Solar Energy for Home:

With the increasing usage of electrical appliances in Indian households the demand for electricity has been rising. However the gap in supply and demand has also been widening with the growth in production not being as rapid as the requirement. This has led to massive and frequent power cuts in almost every urban city in India. The lookout for alternative sources of energy like solar energy has also become intense. Solar power plants not only fulfils electricity needs of your home but also lowers energy costs. The installation cost of the solar panels gets recovered in few years making it a cost effective option and a wise investment decision which leads to free energy generation after few years.

Why solar for home:

  • Cuts down the per unit cost of electricity and increase savings.
  • Return on investment in 3-5 years, making electricity free for next 20 years
  • Sell surplus power from solar back to the grid through net –metering, if available
  • 100 % income tax benefit in the form of accelerated depreciation under section-32, Income Tax Act.(80% in the first year + 20 % next years)
  • Save money and our planet by using solar energy and carbon footprints


Perfect Aurarays provides solar power systems for homes starting from 1 KW to 100 KW. In partnership with Susten Mahindra, the leaders in Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Services in solar segment Aurarays provides a full proof high quality solar system for households that not only reduce the energy bills but also power cut stress and troubles.

Solar solutions for home from Perfect Aurarays:

On Grid power solutions: Grid connected solar power systems are highly recommended for places that have power supply connectivity but are subjected to power cuts. The installation costs are low and affordable constituting of Solar panels, Inverters & wires. During daytime the energy utilized is through the solar installation and the supply from the grid is also utilized.


Hybrid solar power solutions: These are also connected to the grid, however they are also equipped with a battery backup. The energy generated is consumed directly by the electrical appliances and the surplus energy is stored in the batteries for later usage. These are slightly high in price that on grid solar plants, however they provide the added benefit of backup.